Samstag, 17. August 2013

Glacier Sólheimajökull, Iceland Horses & another Jacuzzi

Day 5
After a beautiful sunrise and breakfast directly at Vik’s beach we unfortunately already had to head back towards Reykjavik. Typical German we had - as every morning - our "Knoppers" at 9:30 :)
On our way we passed a large lawn with the cutest Iceland Ponies and of course we couldn’t pass by without petting a few of them (yaaai)!!
Our next stop was a glacier called “Sólheimajökull” (not the easiest thing to pronounce)..
it feels a little weird to start your day at the beach and then find a huge glacier “directly around the corner”! The view was once again overwhelming!
We thought about climbing it but without shoes with spikes or an ice ax there was nearly no chance. I mean it’s possible but dangerous, so we enjoyed what we saw at the foot of the glacier. Everything was icy but though covered with the black sand that you can hardly get rid of if you’ve been camping close to the beach J
As we continued to drive, always looking for a nice place to sleep, another open air pool happened to cross our way (what a bummer ;). Without a dissentient vote we decided to stop there! The temperature was around 57°F and the Icelandic children were all swimming in the “regular” (absolutely COLD) pool while we spent the first couple of minutes in the hot Jacuzzis and the sauna..
After we’ve taken another shower (I think I never had any hike or camp where I had that many possibilities to have a warm shower) we found a nice camping ground directly in the neighborhood and decided to stay there. We saw the nicest sunset of the week & had the chance to wash our dishes really thoroughly after there was still half of Viks beach on or in them.. And we had an awesome dinner (nearly just onions J)..
A real bummer happened then: Johanna and me filled up our empty water bottles with really hot water and we were sitting at the table, having conversations with our hot-water bags on our laps just because it was getting colder..
Before we went to bed, we decided to pour out the meanwhile lukewarm water and to fill the bottle up with hot water for the night. I turned on the faucet and waited and waited and the water wasn’t getting warm, it was ice cold and my hands were too, after a minute. So a couple minutes later I found out that there is only hot water during the day time and they turn it off in the evening. The following night was cold for us..


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